Saturday, February 7, 2009

The City

I am in Mumbai with the fastest internet that I have had this whole trip. Its blazing! The flight here was fairly standard, you know it involved a plane, and an airport and was for all intensive purposes uneventful. When I fell out of the sky into the haze that surrounds this 14 million person city and got to my apartment, I was amazed. It is fucking different here. I live on the 12th floor of a huge building, and over look other giant residential buildings. There is a "MEGA MALL" just around the corner, and so far no gutters with feces on the side of the road. I havent spent enough time here to have much of an opinion but we will see how living in huge fucking city will be (and I thought that there was a lot of people living in the other parts of India that I have been to). I am now living in constant fear though due to mosquito's. I forgot to start taking my Malaria meds!!! So I am a walking time bomb for future pain and suffering. FUCK! One down, I just killed one of these death carriers which was sitting on the camera of the computer that I am on. If I dont post anything for some time its due to me being hospitalized for malaria. Also after four diligent years of wearing my retainer every night (well except all the nights that I was too drunk to remember/unable to get to it, and other obvious reasons for not having the thing in my mouth at during the night) I have lost my retainer. I have (think I have at least) fucking left it at the mother fucking Maze hotel! fucking shit fuck. I guess it was only a matter of time (I mean really, come on how have I kept it this long) and now I am not that guy who still wears his retainer (such dorks).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the city! Crazy. This was a very exciting blog post. I'm curious to see how you'll end up liking a mega-city, which so far you've stated as being like your biggest fear/nemesis... right? Or did I just make that up?

    Also, I'm glad you lost that retainer in India. It will be a good story, and it's time you stopped being a diligent dork. I hope you turn the whole running-away-from-mosquitos thing into an unnecessarily epic adventure. I could see it being very amusing/dramatic. Lots of screaming, to be sure.

    Finally: LOST is fucking nuts! And Bloc Party! You never got back to me on that one!
