Sunday, July 19, 2009


OK I am restarting this SOB. I am doing this for one reason: I need something to do besides study and listen to MCAT audio books.

Today I awoke at 6am (which I will be doing for the next two weeks). In the time that it took to roll over, close my eyes and turn off my alarm it was seven. So much for my plan. At seven I went on a run, went to work, studied, wasted time, studied, ate, wasted time and studied. As you can tell there is not much to do. So what do people do? I believe that I am addicted to stress or doing things or just busyness. Everyone has that little thing that they do to waste time, a filler. I think for a lot of people its facebook (damn you facebook for taking so much human brain capacity time) it is for me but mostly I go to HAHAHA, yeah that's right my secret is out, my time suck is checking out rookie rankings, and team rumors. I have been to no less then 13 times today. When I am not looking at which 4 position guy will be traded next (answer: Lamar Odem) I am yelling at Molly's cat mera, or mira or mirra or how ever you spell the stupid cats name. Well not really yelling, I do other things like think of ways to get her drunk, or... scarring her by standing up or something. After living with this thing I have come to the conclusion that all domestic animals are insane. They are domestic because there mind is broken somehow. They have been bread to have weak wills that snap early in life, most likely from pure boredom. They have nothing to do but wander the same areas looking at the same shit (actually this is must not be as bad as it is for us because they may not remember things in the same way we remember things, or for the same amount of time... or it may be worse).

The other thing that I have been doing is looking at rooms to rent in Portland. I hope to move there within the next month. Shit! There are a good number on craigslist, but I hate writing to these people with a person pitch about who I am; " I am a 22 year old male who likes, bla bla bla bla" what the fuck do people want. Needless to say that with a pitch like that I haven't had too many takers. HA! I would give them my facebook but lets be honest, how would you judge a guy with 950 pictures of him wasted? Now that I think of it, its not that bad of an idea; "Hey, here's pictures of me mostly naked, drunk, in a costume, guaranteed good time".


  1. yay more to read to help me waste time on the internet! thanks for the b-day wishes, though i think that phone call took place very close to the fine line of blackout for me.

  2. haha! I am so glad that I accidently hit your link on my blog list. I mean it was on purpose.

    And really. This is like some weird ironic twist. Although now that I think of it, you would as the tall, gangly kid, secretly root for the rookies. This is meant endearingly of course.

    Also, how the hell did you of all people get stuck with Molly's cat?

  3. Yeah molly's cat is a... situation. Its even better because I was such a huge lobbyist against her getting an animal in the first place because I knew that she could never take care of it in the long term! I hate always being right.
