Friday, January 30, 2009

Another one bites the dust

So the weeks are dropping like flies. This last week I spent in Than Goun (this time I believe that I spelled it right), which is a small village full of toothless men, and women who carry more on their head then anyone I know can carry (well some of you may be able to pull it off but you'd have to be very drunk and determined). There is only one downside to staying here... I have had to share a room with crazy-bitch. Alright, shes not a bitch, thats not the right word, shes a just one of those people who has no clue, talks about the stupidest shit, which all leads to some illness that she has (or thinks that she has), oh yeah and shes kind of a control freak. She literally will be telling me about how sick she is, or that she cant close her eyes because of vertigo, or how a disk in her back is slipped, all the while I am getting my headphones out and slowly moving them towards my head until they are on, but on over my ears just next to them where I wait for her to have a lull in her... well what ever you want to call the shit coming out of her mouth, where I put them on think how good the sweet, sweet relief is. Its rough! To get away Paul, Erin and I have gone on hikes so we dont kill her. We went up a freaken sweet river bed. The kind where you just jump from rock to rock as the river flows next to. But only here half the rocks are of this purple marble stuff, and there are all these strange plants, coming down from the huge dry jungle that looms above you. Its cool. Also we dont have to run the risk of being run down by cars, or choking on exhaust. Right now I am back in Rishikesh for the weekend with the couple who are in the program with me where we hope to see some elephants! or tigers! or some other crazy shit. Ill let you know how it goes, if I dont get eaten, trampled, or bitten to death.

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