Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So sense being in India I have had the most crazy fucked up dreams ever. I normally don't remember any dream, so if these are the kinds of dreams that I have but just don't know WOW! They range from time travel to meet Rastafarian robot friends to observing insane mothers manipulating daughters as her husband lays dying with some grotesque injury. Anyway its wild, something about India has fucked with my head, or my subconscious. I don't think that it has to do with being sober because my first night here in Missurie I stopped by a shop called an 'English Wine Shop' got a bottle of Mc Something whisky and drank 3/4 of it (I dedicate it to Tad, hope your reading buddy), which lead to a frighting dream about a sex crazed Indian man. Besides getting dunk in a christian hospital (I couldn't help it, it was too perfect) nothing happened, it was very cold so I did alot of jumping jacks and push ups to warm myself and then passed out under a rediculas amount of blankets. This hospital is full of very religious Christan Indians (its fucked up) and by full I mean there is like 15. It is not very big and fairly boring because they say; no one gets sick in the winter (I think that people just don't get malaria, typhoid, or any of the other things that will kill us all). I will say that they are all very nice. The one thing that kills me is the shower (sleeping on a hospital bed is not so bad). I know that so far I should be lucky to get a shower here, but this one is very bad. It is because it is so cold (no heating in Indian buildings) and the hot water has very high pressure. You might be wondering "how could this be bad", well it is because the fucking hot water heater is only about 2 gallons to it only lasts a min. So there I am each morning standing in a freezing bathroom with freezing water everywhere (there are no shower curtains) hoping that my balls don't fall off (in actuality I am hoping that I don't choke on them). Anyho that's it. Oh I did watch the doctor surgically remove 4 cysts, gross. Tomorrow at 9 am I will watch the surgeon replace a 95 year olds hip (fuck! I just hope he doesn't die when I pass out or throw up on him. Well besides me telling you that the Himalayas are crazy to see (they really are), I have nothing else especially because the power has gone out on me twice and I don't think I can take it anymore.


  1. Wow, things are getting interesting.

    I had crazy, fucked up dreams in New Zealand, too. Sobriety has something to do with it, I'm pretty sure... the brain starts working faster than it normally does when weighted down by alcohol and drugs.

    I know I shouldn't say this, but did you REALLY spell 'misery' as 'missurie?!' That's awesome.

    Sorry everything is so cold... but on the other hand you're in INDIA, so shut the fuck up.

  2. Missurie is the town I am in ASS!

  3. i had really vivid, crazy dreams in budapest, too.
