Friday, January 9, 2009

Maybe to quick

Ok, I may have been a little harsh on that last post. Everyone can be anal sometimes, right? I mean I think I have, at least once, or something, oh well I cant remember. Anyway I went to fucking sweet Buddha temple on Wed. It was out side of Derhadun next to a huge army base (interesting). The first thing that I noticed was that Buddha loves sex. There are paintings all over the shrine of him (or some other guy) with some Buddhist girl. Anyways it makes me like Buddhism all the more. Also Buddhists are also very technologically savvy. I cant speak for all, but these where listening to mp3 players, had laptops, and taking pictures on their phones. Shit! These monks are going to take over the world. I took lots of pictures of a building sized gold Buddha and several shrines, after spinning more prayer wheels then I can count. I have no idea if I was supposed to be saying a prayer or not, but I did do it in a clockwise direction (yeah me), so I guess it cant hurt.
Today I am in Rishikish, the world center for yoga! Several people warned me of fake monks who trick travelers in to giving them money for enlightenment (do I give off some "I am a gullible hippy vibe"?). I will continue on my quest of checking out shrines and trying new crazy foods that I have never heard of (so far everything is good).

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