Sunday, January 4, 2009

I am here

AAARRRRGGGHHHHH! India is one crazy place. There are people going to who knows where all over the place. The trip was fucking long. The flight to Newark wasn't that bad (the worst part was not moving while sitting next to a fat boring lady). When I got there I first thought that I would leave the air port and check out New York. So I went to some Continental air line desk and asked this guy if I had time in my 4hr 30min-ish layover to do it. He said in a very boring voice that it was not a good idea and that I shouldn't do it. I did not like this opinion from another boring fat person so I left the airport to NYC! I didn't think that this "expert" had any adventure his whole life. Anyway so I went and checked out New York in an exhausted haze. I made it back to the airport just in time (not that it would have mattered because the plane was delayed from taking off).
Anyway when I got into Delhi I was almost in an uncountable number of car accidents (read the other blog). The Hotel we stayed in was literally a maze. To get to the room we had to walk up three flights of stairs, down two and around several corners at very odd angles.
Oh that's right, don't pack for a long trip while dunk! On new years day for some reason I took my camera charger, camera uplaoder thingy, and hand sanitizer out of my bag and left them in Bend. SHIT! So now I have so scour the bazaars for this crap. It sucks because it was in my bag, but somehow my subconscious decided to make everything a little bit crazier for me.


  1. hhhhh!

    I'm jealous you got to see New York, and I'm glad you didn't take the advice of fat, unadventurous people.

    This sentence is very well-done, seriously: "To get to the room we had to walk up three flights of stairs, down two and around several corners at very odd angles."

    Anyway, Eugene is freezing and I had to buy a million books about the holocaust for my Jewish writers course... should be a good time.

  2. hahaha this is hilarious! packing while drunk is ALWAYS a bad idea. one time. i packed almost all my t-shirts but no pants or socks or underwear for a week. DISASTROUS but it definitely makes things more interesting.
